Marketing Collateral

Custom Site Build

    Planning & WireframingDevelopmentContent Integration & Testing

 Digital Media
        Content Creation
        Distribution Strategy
        Monitoring & Adjustments

Social Campaigns

        Content Creation & Design
        Engagement & Community                       Management
        Performance Monitoring &                       Adjustments

Printed Matter 

        Design & Layout 
        Material Selection & Print Proofs 
        Vendor Coordination & Production

Branded Partnerships

        Outreach & Negotiation 
        Collaboration & Planning
        Execution & Review

Omni Channel Marketing

        Design & Layout 
        Material Selection & Print Proofs 
        Vendor Coordination & Production

Newsletter Development

       Content Planning & Copywriting
       Design & Layout 
       Distribution & Analysis


As a Marketing Collateral Specialist, I solve complex branding challenges by creating clear, impactful messaging through thoughtful design. My approach is rooted in understanding both the audience and the brand, ensuring that every piece communicates effectively and cohesively. I craft visually playful materials that not only capture attention but also deliver solutions that resonate and drive results.

Case Studies 

Ciele 10 Year Anniversary
Oh Wake! Magazine 
Queensfest 2020
Ciele x UNDO WWM Guide